If you find yourself writing a complicated guide that includes lots of detail, you can give readers the choice between reading the entire thing or being presented with a summarized version.

TL;DR Classes

A pair of classes, .tldr-hide and .tldr-show, can be used to hide or show content. When either classes are included in your guide a "TL;DR" button will appear in the top-right corner when the mouse is over your guide content. Clicking the TL;DR button will toggle TL;DR on and off. Depending on what class you are using, your content will show or hide itself.

For example, to hide content when TL;DR is on, you can use the .tldr-hide class:

<p>Show this all of the time.</p>

<div class="tldr-hide">
  <p>Hide this when in TL;DR.</p>

In this case, .tldr-hide content is hidden, but the first line remains. To swap out content when TL;DR is on, you can use the .tldr-show class:

<div class="tldr-show">
  <p>Only show this in TL;DR.</p>

<div class="tldr-hide">
  <p>Only show this when <em>not</em> in TL;DR.</p>

Here the first line is initially hidden until TL:DR is turned on. To the reader it should look like the content is being replaced with the .tldr-show content.

TL;DR Variant

If you need to adjust the layout when TL;DR is turned on you can use the tldr variant with Guideā€™s utility classes:

<div class="g-grid g-grid-cols-2 tldr:g-grid-cols-1">
  <div>One column grid</div>
  <div class="tldr-hide">but only in TLDR</div>

In this example, the second column is hidden by .tldr-hide, so the tldr variant changes from a two-column grid to a one-column grid.

TL;DR will stay on for the reader when they return to the guide and across all guides until they turn it off.

Edit this page on GitHub Updated at Tue, Nov 8, 2022